• How do I arrange an international interlibrary loan (ILL)?

    Both the BnL and the LLC (Luxembourg Learning Centre of the Uni.lu) offer an interlibrary loan service. Please refer to the conditions for accessing the service in question (Interlibrary loans – BnL ; Interlibrary loans – LLC) before completing the request form. To make an interlibrary loan, click in the…

  • How do I make an acquisition request as a user of the BnL?

    To make an acquisition request, click in the top bar on the “Acquisition request” section. You will be redirected to the log in page. After you have logged in, you can select the type of publication of your request. Complete the “Bibliographic details” form. Mandatory fields are marked with an asterisk. Before…

  • How do I extend my loan of a borrowed document?

    After you have logged in to the system, you can view the list of your loans in the “My account” section under “Loans” and extend the loan by clicking on the “Renew” (1) link of the document in question. You can also extend all of your loans by simply clicking…

  • Has the located document been taken out by another user? What do I do?

    Next to each copy, the return due date of the current loan is indicated, allowing you to see how long the document in question will remain unavailable (1).You can still reserve it (2), you will be notified by your library once the document is available. If the document is available…

  • How do I cancel a reservation?

    To cancel your reservation, go to your user account in the “Requests” menu and click on the “Cancel it” link. The message “The request was successfully canceled” is displayed. You will receive an email confirming that the reservation has been cancelled.

  • How do I reserve a document?

    Have you found a document that you would like to consult or borrow from the library? You can reserve it by clicking on the document, then by selecting under “Locations” (1) the copy that you want to borrow and clicking on “Request” (2). After sending the request (3), the message…

  • Is the document you’re looking for available at your library?

    The “Held by library” tab displays the libraries that have one or more copies of the document you are looking for. To only obtain the results of the library inwhich you are a registered user, select the name of the library concerned under “Library” and confirm with “Apply filters”. a-z.lu will…

  • The result of the search

    By clicking on the title of the document you are interested in, you will be redirected to the bibliographic record. There, you will have access to more detailed information on the document.

  • How do I remove filters I have applied?

    All of the filters you have selected are displayed on the right of the results list. Click on the small cross (1) next to the filter you want to remove or click on “Reset filters” (2) to remove all filters. If you click on the small cross, all the other filters…